The much anticipated USA’s 2020 election which comes up in November has produced frightening thoughts as Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden is well ahead of President Donald Trump in 3 states.

The three states which he leads Mr. Trump are Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania.

Nonetheless, the new polls further disclosed that there is still a percentage of voters who are yet to make their decision or support a third party. It simply means they might change their mind before the election.

In these three states, surveys show that Trump lacked voters' support both in America's former election and now.
Presidential candidate, Joe Biden is ahead by 9 points in Michigan, although his support is mostly by female voters and citizens of colour, while support among men is divided between him and Trump, each with 45 percent. His job performance has the approval of 45 percent of the state’s voters.

In Minnesota, the support is split 51-38 percent in favor of Biden. Here, he leads among women, white voters with a college degree, seniors, and suburban voters.

While in Pennsylvania, Biden leads Trump 50-39 percent, supported mostly by voters under 35, suburban residents, and women. Trump claims support among rural voters and white citizens without a college degree.

Overall, the surveys show Biden is more trusted on handling race relations and the coronavirus situation, while the approval is split concerning economic issues.

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