Famous Front Doors From Around the World

Building a house can be one of the most exciting and challenging projects ever. Moreover, besides giving in all your knowledge, your heart and enthusiasm, you are going to need a lot of building materials  to make your house happen. Shop a wide selection of them on Jiji.ng, where you can find front doors and exterior doors, handrails, gates, door locks, paints, bricks, roofing materials etc. A unique front door transforms any home exterior and define your personality. We invite you to learn interesting facts about usual doors.
The Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica

St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the largest churches in the world and is one of the holiest Catholic shrines. Saint Peter was buried there. The church was built by renaissance artists, such as Michelangelo and Bramante. The northern entrance of St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the most famous doors on the planet. The Holy doors can be only open if it is a Holy Year, which is happening every 25 years starting in 1450. The next Holy Year will be 2025. It represents “a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope.” Different religious images are carved on 16 square areas of The Holy Door
Open doors in China
The great Chinese general Zhuge Liang, nicknamed "The Hidden Dragon", saved the city from the enemy, simply by opening city gates. General ordered all the gates to be opened, while he sat on the viewing platform above the gates playing his guqin. The invaders did not dare to enter because they were suspecting that there was an ambush inside the city.
Colorful doors in Dublin, Ireland
Bright Irish doors are part of the local colors and is the memory of a historical event. The story says that when Queen Victoria died, citizens were ordered to paint their doors black as a sign of mourning. However, Irish people painted their doors bright colours instead as a sign of rebellion.
221B, Baker Street, United Kingdom
I bet everyone knows the address of Sherlock Holmes. However, it might come as disappointment to you that he never lived there. And it is not because it being a fiction, but 221b did not really exist, when the stories were written. At that time, Baker Street was quite short and house numbers didn’t go over the number 85. However, in 1930 the street was lengthened and 221B was able to exist. Right now the location is a museum in honor of Sherlock Holmes. The famous door is painted black and has silver knockers with a mail slot.

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